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Taper Bushing by SIT
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  • SIT TAPER LOCK BUSHING is designed to give the following:
  • 1. Perfect assembly
  • 2. rapid dismantling of the pulley and other transmission equipment
  • 3. No special tools requirement except hexagonal key
  • The large range of finished bores available ensures that an immediate assembly can be made thus avoiding costly factory down-time.
  • Here are the dimensions of Taper Bushing with type 1210 (30.25)
  • - Bore : we provide taper bushing with minimal bore 12 mm and 5/8 inches; for the max bore you can look at the number writen after "BC" in every product name. 
  • for example, BC3025F12 (1210X12MM), so the max bore is 30 mm.
  • - Width : the numbers writen in every product name before "F" is width size.
  • for example, BC3025F12 (1210X12MM), so the width is 25 mm.
  • - Bore size : look at the last number in every product name. 
  • for example, BC3025F12, so the bore size is 12.
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